Acupuncture is an ancient method of treatment, that has been used in countries like China and Japan for centuries. The method is used to treat patients that are going through any chronic pain or other physical or internal pain. This method of treatment is now being utilized by different Western countries like Canada and America. There is a number of acupuncture clinic in Calgary that are providing acupuncture services, at affordable prices. The process of acupuncture is carried out with the insertion of thin and fine needles. These small-sized needles are inserted into the “acupoints” and cause little to no pain. No matter what kind of pain you are in, acupuncture treatment would be best for you.
The concept of acupuncture is based upon the concept of energy flow through the body which is known as “Qi or Chi”. This energy flows in the body through various pathways and channels known as “meridians”. Each channel is linked to an internal organ. It is said that if this flow of energy is blocked, then imbalances occur, which lead to various health problems. With the help of the insertion of the acupuncture needles, the blocked energy is cleared out.
These needles are inserted along with the meridian points, once the needles are applied to the blocked points the organ function is stimulated. Acupuncture is one of the best treatments to release body pains and to heal internal wounds. Moreover, if you are going through severe dental pain, headaches, neck pain, low back pain, Osteoarthritis, and any other sort of pain then you should go for acupuncture treatment. This treatment is also beneficial for someone who is going through chronic pains.
How Acupuncture Relieves Pains?
When a patient is seen for the first time, the practitioner will take a thorough history before performing a medical examination that may be strictly Chinese or a combination of Eastern and Western techniques. Prior to needle insertion, the meridians are often palpated or tested. When the acupuncture needle is inserted, a slight, dull pain, tingling, or electrical-like sensation may be felt, which is known as the ‘De Qi’ sensation, and it indicates that the Qi has been accessed.
No further discomfort should be felt once the needle is in place. In fact, there will frequently be an agreeable tingling or warm feeling along the meridians. Depending on the condition being treated, the needles are usually left in place for 10 to 30 minutes. The removal of the needles is usually painless, and there is only very minor bleeding from an insertion point on rare occasions.
Best Acupuncture Services in Calgary
To enhance the effect, the inserted needle may also be stimulated by manually rotating the needle or heating with a moxa stick. Electrical stimulation of the needles at various frequencies and intensities is also possible. Some patients may only require one or two treatments, whereas others may require several sessions to achieve a successful outcome.
Apart from acupuncture treatment, there are other sorts of treatments that different acupuncture clinic in Calgary are providing. Physiotherapists diagnose and treat a wide range of bone and muscle conditions in humans. They look after the health of people of all ages. A physiotherapist can help anyone, from an 80-year-old man to a one-year-old child. Physiotherapy is a science-based profession that approaches health and wellness from the perspective of the “whole person,” which includes the patient’s overall lifestyle.
Rhema Gold Physiorehab
Physiotherapy can help with back pain or a sudden injury, as well as the management of long-term medical conditions like asthma and the preparation for childbirth or a sporting event. Speech therapy is used by some physiotherapists to assist children who stutter in speaking on a regular basis. They also educate their parents and provide them with exercises to do with their children later.
Rhema-Gold Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation, and Wellness Center is one of the best health care facilities in the area, and we can assist you in recovering from any motor vehicle injury. We also help with MVA injuries, vestibular rehabilitation, pelvic floor rehabilitation, support, and any work-related injury, as well as neurorehabilitation. We are dedicated to providing the best therapists in Calgary.