By definition, a Dentist is a Doctor who handles Oral diseases and Teeth related problems. Unlike a General Medicine Practitioner, a Dentist has a limited reach when it comes to Medicinal Authority. A General Practitioner, having completed an MBBS Degree (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery), has the official authority to prescribe any basic medicine as per the process of treatment required based on ailments varying from patient to patient.
But the Dentist Flagstaff goes through a different process & degree BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) while graduating from Med School. However, the Dentists do complete the basics of Anatomy, Medicine courses in their first year. So technically they are capable of prescribing the basic medicines in case of emergencies but they generally stick to their own section of medications required for treatments of Oral or Dental ailments.
Types of Dentistry Specialities
While many people generalize the idea of Dentistry as a singular industry, there are different specialties that Dentists can take. After completing the Bachelor of Dental Surgery course, the Surgeons can choose below specialties while applying for Master of Dental Surgery;
- Prosthodontics
This Speciality takes care of the Prosthetics related works for Dental issues like replacement of Crowns or Dentures. Normally these workers don’t need medication.
- Periodontics
Periodontists ply their trade-in diseases and problems of gums. As a result, they often prescribe Pain medications or Antibiotics.
- Orthodontics
An Orthodontist provides toral oral care and usually prescribes various medications.
- Endodontics
Endodontists usually prescribe post-operation medications for rehabilitation.
- Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
These Specialists deal with diseases of teeth and jaw and usually recommend different types of medications.
- Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric or Child Dental care rarely calls for any severe medication or procedures.
- Dental Anaesthesiology
Dental Anaesthesiologists deal with sedatives but for surgical usage only.
All of the above specialties along with the basic BDS degree handle different afflictions and ailments that would require medication along with surgeries and procedures. And in such cases, a Dentist can prescribe medications as and when necessary.
What Types of Medications a Dentist can Prescribe?
A Dentist in Coppell of any specialty or a General Practitioner can prescribe different types of AntiBiotics, Anti Allergic, Pain Medications while treating a patient but these medications need to be prescribed only when these are required as part of the treatment. However, any Over Table Medicine can be prescribed. And also in case of a Medical Emergency, certain life-saving drugs or medications can be prescribed. But this scenario is very unlikely.
As an example, if someone goes to an Orthodontist for an infection in the gum or some sort of swelling, he/she can prescribe you Antibiotics for the first scenario and Painkillers for the second one if needed. But someone can’t simply ask for these medications as a favor from a Dentist as it will be illegal to prescribe without reason.
Or say someone sees a Dental Surgeon for Root Canal Treatment or simply for scaling of teeth, they can get both Pain medications and Antibiotics for the procedure. In the same manner, a Dental Anaesthesiologist can order Sedatives through prescription. But these will be used for surgical procedures, not for any individual patient.
Even while opting for a Crown or a denture, a patient can be prescribed Anti Allergic medications if required.
What are the Situations to be considered as Emergencies?
As explained earlier a Dentist can only prescribe all sorts of medicines outside of his or her area of expertise when an emergency situation occurs. Let’s understand the situation which can be considered as Emergency;
- In case of a Cardiac Arrest and if no other doctors are present in the vicinity.
- In case of an accident when immediate attention is required.
- If no other doctor is available in a Life or Death situation.
Other than the above there might be unprecedented situations where the prescription can come in handy.
Despite all the talks and discussions among people, a Dentist can be considered as a proper doctor as they undergo the same basic courses as any other doctor during the first year of their Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree. And as explained throughout the article they can prescribe medications as and when required pertaining to their area of expertise or in case of any emergency.