Car Chip Tuning: Major Things You Need To Know


Chip tuning is the change or modification of a programmable read-only memory chip that can easily be erased. These chips are found in an automobile’s control unit. With the aid of chip tuning, the engine control parameters can be changed to achieve better performance in the car engine.

The best thing about chip tuning is that the safety functions of the engine are switched on. In this process, maps like boost, ignition and fuel can be changed. The controls of modern engines have become very difficult due to various protection laws becoming stricter. 

What Does Chip Tuning Do?

Chip tuning is mainly used to enhance the engine’s performance up to 30-40 % without putting any additional pressure on the engine. Some chip tuning does not consume a lot of fuel either.

Need For Chip Tuning

Chip tuning is the first start to improving the performance of your car engine. If someone needs to enhance their car engine, the first thing they need to do is to change the engine electronics. In most cases, chip tuning helps improve the car engine’s performance by more than 30%. An engine can easily be tuned in a Chip tuning shop

Can A Vehicle Be Used Every Day After Chip Tuning?

After a successful chip tuning, a car can always be used for everyday travel. There are no major concerns for anyone while driving except one change, i.e. when the speed is increased, passengers could be pressed to the seat.

The car’s engine is tuned only for experiencing different sensations, the one that we call adrenaline. Many car riders feel fun experiencing such feelings similar to the one on a roller coaster. Cars after a chip tuning do not need to go to an auto care shop after tuning their engines. 

Manufacturer Reserves 

In the early stages of development, engine manufacturers allow for some specific reserves so that each of them operates well. The cost of the reserves depends upon the engine; for some engines, it can go up to 40%. The hardware and the software should be designed in such a way the general public can use them. 

The manufacturers are always concerned about the use of the engine, whether it be driving to small or long distances. The engine’s design is done keeping in mind several factors such as temperature, place etc. they make sure it does not suffer any major damage while in use. 

Most of the manufacturers guarantee long term service and safety while designing an engine. But when a car has to travel in different places, the system needs to be tweaked, and this is where chip tuning comes in handy. 

Helps In Reducing Fuel Consumption 

Manufacturers of car companies plan in very different ways regarding fuel consumption, but the actual fuel consumption depends on different factors. One of the factors is the level of injection that is on the map of the engine control unit. 

During the design of a new engine, the manufacturers place the engine’s map on a roller chassis dynamometer. It makes the tyres thin, but they hold no value in real life. This is why in tuning car engines, different mappings can save money and lead to a healthy environment. 

It Does Not Wear Out The Engine.

While it is true that there is extra load on the engines after changing them, it does not affect the car due to them being in reserves chosen by the manufacturer. An engine that has undergone chip tuning has much lesser safety reserves; this is why it should be taken care properly with great care. 

The processors of a turbocharger will not be damaged by intense heat due to it being of great importance. It is very important to stay amidst the turbine maps of the manufacturer and always keep the safety functions switched on. This way, the increased power inside the engine can remain stable, and it does not harm the car. 

Process Of Chip Tuning 

There are several steps involved in chip tuning. It makes sure there are no electronic errors in the car memory. When the vehicle is received at the car repair Perth, the memory is read out. After this, the engine compartment is checked to see if there are any errors.

 If the vehicle functions properly, the original software of the engine control unit is saved. Then there are changes in the parameters of the special maps. After the completion of programming, the enhanced data is sparked into the engine control unit. Finally, there is a test drive, and all the parameters are read out. when all the values are in a favourable range, the car is ready to use. 

Choosing The Best Shops For Chip Tuning 

One can do a little research on the internet regarding Perth’s best car repair shops and choose accordingly. They can optimize different parts of the car depending on their needs or desires. They should go to the most reputable car shops to find the best chip tuning for their car engines.