As the cost of ammunition is rising due to gun control laws, it restricts our access to train with our firearms and the addition of new gun owners due to political scares, we now face problems that can be answered through Dry Fire Training (DFT). DFT is the solution for all our problems as it is a good training method as it helps the shooter gain muscle memory, having them learn more about their firearm, and train weapon fundamentals before having to access any form of ammunition.
When people get their first firearm or anyone who currently owes a firearm, one good practice is to ‘play’ with the firearm. Picking it up interacting with all the functions, and putting it through its paces. By doing so the owner can learn if the firearm that they have is a compatible extension of themselves. Asking all the questions to learn more about their firearm. “Is it too big or too small to hold, are the standard sights good enough for their eyes. Can they reach all their buttons and functions without any trouble.” To find out is to use DFT with their firearm. DFT helps with answering most questions and gives the owners time with their guns before hitting the range.
By the use of DFT the owners can practice fundamentals and rules that everyone must know before picking up any weapon. Don’t aim at a target you do not intend to destroy, finger off the trigger until ready, have the gun in safe or open condition when not in use, treating all firearms as if it was loaded. As new gun owners are nervous and excited they will make mistakes and with the safety of no ammunition, harmful mistakes will just be mistakes. Having the owner get their energy out on their new firearm will reduce the chance of putting themselves and others at risk.
Each gun has its own characteristics, and a person must spend enough time with it in order to learn and operate it efficiently. DFT helps to do that exact thing. As people acquire new firearms they either get a fresh start or build additional muscle memory. If you give a Russian soldier an American gun M4 after he has been training and shooting his standard-issue AK for the majority of his life he may mistakenly try to rack the charging on the handle on the left side of the M4 which does not exist. To mitigate this problem is to train to fix mistakes so when situations call for additional safety no mistakes will be made.
Additionally, with the use of snap caps, people can practice weapon failures or malfunctions, such as double feeding, and stovepipe for example. Snap Caps also reduces stress on the parts of the firearm when DFT and practicing their trigger pull. You can also use the laser training system for additional analysis of hits and misses. Which all helps to keep the firearm in proper condition to reduce weapon failure.
Overall Dry Firing helps to refresh a person’s memory on firearms handling, golden gun rules, and to have an understanding of their acquired firearm before having live ammunition used. Which all results in having the person become effective and safe with their weapon. There are only benefits to practicing DFT as it saves money and keeps us up to date.