If you are looking to either buy a custom hand-made knife or build your own there are many things to consider. The actual materials used for the blade and the handle are just as important to think about as the intended use of the knife. Obviously hunting knives and kitchen knives are not going to be built the same because the intended use is so vastly different.
If you’re searching for handmade knives for sale, you’ll want to know exactly what you’re interested in in order to find the best custom knives you can buy. Knives are relatively simple. A first-time knife buyer may just think about purchasing a knife that has the coolest-looking handle and blade.
An experienced knife wielder will think about the length and thickness of the blade, the material of the blade and the handle, the sheathing, the blade type, and the grind. You need the perfect combination of all of these things in order to obtain the best custom knives. Let’s go into each of these into further detail.
Blade Material
You can’t really go wrong with any steel that you choose for your blade. One of the most common choices is the 1095 high carbon steel blade. Carbon steel makes for a sturdy and durable material for a blade and can be used for many different applications. Some other popular choices include A2 Tool Steel and Bohler N690.
When picking out a proper handle you want something that will feel comfortable while also being lightweight. The material of the handle will determine its durability and strength. You don’t want a knife that can easily break. Some of the best knife handle materials are walnut, maple, and crocodile leather.
Sheathing a knife is important as a safety measure, but that doesn’t mean it can’t look good as well. There are quality sheath materials for your custom knife that can properly cover it up when it’s not being used. Leather or Kydex are some of the best sheathing materials available. Cape Buffalo Leather makes for an especially fine sheath.
Blade Type
The blade type just has to do with its overall shape. A clip point or a drop point is probably the most common blade type. There are trailing points, spear points, and straight backs as well. Whichever blade type you are most familiar and comfortable with is the blade type you should go with.
The grind of the knife’s blade is the cross-section. Basically, the knife needs to be ground to a point that it’s thin enough to cut this. There are several different types of grinds and each one has its own benefits.
Four of the main types of grinds are flat, hollow, convex, and scandi. Flat grinds are the most common type that you will find. Most kitchen knives have this. These knives are relatively simple, but effective. Hollow grinds are generally more vulnerable than other grinds, but the edge can be extremely thing on a hollow grind which is a major benefit.
A convex grind is sort of unique and can be difficult to sharpen for many knife-wielders. These knives usually have a strong edge, however, and are able to cut relatively smoothly. The appropriately named scandi grind comes from Scandinavia. These knives are easy to make and easy to sharpen. Thick and strong, scandi grinds make for good all-around knives. Which grind makes for the best custom knives is up to you.
For the best custom knives visit knifeconnection.com. They have a vast selection of different knives with the best handle and blade materials available to choose from. Whether it’s a custom handmade knife, a kitchen knife, a hunting knife, or a camping knife you can find it at Knife Connection. Visit their website today and see what they have available.
For more information about Tops Knives and Winkler Knives Please visit: The Knife Connection.