How to See What Someone Likes on Instagram


How to see what someone likes on Instagram You must touch the icon of a “heart”, then “follow” and find, among your next actions, the activity of the user you want to spy on.

By the way, how do I see what people like on Instagram?

How do I see what people like on Insta? Here is how I do it: go to your profile, then click on the three lines at the top right. Next, click on Settings, then on Account. Click on Jobs you like at the bottom of the menu.

How to see all of a person’s activity on Instagram?

You must touch the icon of a “heart”, then “follow” and find, among your next actions, the activity of the user you want to spy on.

How can I see all of my Twitter subscriptions?

Click Subscriptions on your profile or home page to see whom you follow, in the form of a list of subscriptions. You can unsubscribe from accounts from this page if you no longer wish to follow them.

How do I see someone’s last subscription on Insta?

The first method that you can use to figure out how to see someone’s latest Instagram follow tracker is through the “Following” section. In fact, you should know that from this menu you would be able to see all the accounts that a person is following, even if it is not always in chronological order.

How is the subscription list ranked on Instagram?

The list of Instagram followers is listed in descending chronological order: People you have recently followed are at the top of the list. The first people you followed creating your Instagram account are at the bottom of the list.

How do I see someone’s followers on Instagram?

To do this, first unlock your smartphone, open Instagram and go to the wall of the profile you want to check. Here, tap on Tracks (top right), where the number of accounts in the user list is also shown.

How to see a person’s activities on Instagram?

You must touch the icon of a “heart”, then “follow” and find, among your next actions, the activity of the user you want to spy on.

How do I see other people’s activity on Instagram?

You must touch the icon of a “heart”, then “follow” and find, among your next actions, the activity of the user you want to spy on.

What is the order of the views of Insta stories?

If you posted your story at 10 a.m. and you check at 11 a.m. who viewed it, the first people to appear will be the ones you interact with the most. However, if you check again at 3 p.m., the list will have changed: that is when the date factor comes into play.

How do I see the subscribers in order?

– Go to your Insta profile.

– Go to your subscription list.

– Then use the sort option to organize your list of subscriptions in the order you want.

How do I see a friend’s likes on Instagram?

Just tap on the heart icon that was at the bottom of the main Instagram screen and swipe your finger from left to right to access the Follow tab already. You will therefore be able to see in detail the likes (all) added by friends, those you follow, to photos and videos of others.

How to see someone’s activity on Instagram 2021?

Here is how I do it: go to your profile, then click on the three lines at the top right. Next, click on Settings, then on Account. Click on Jobs you like at the bottom of the menu. You will then see a grid of all the photos you liked.