There are men who are balding, and unfortunately for them, if they opt for a hair transplant they find out that they have a poor donor hair density. To be eligible for a successful hair transplant, you have to;
- Be dealing with male pattern baldness
- Have experienced gradual hair loss
- Have lost hair due to scalp injuries
Hair Transplant
Aging or other factors like genetics can lead to hair loss in both men and women. A number of treatment options are offered to cure hair loss but not all of them work effectively. A Dubai hair transplant is considered the most effective way to treat baldness permanently.
You can be an ideal candidate for this procedure if;
- If you have a good amount of hair in donor area of the head.
- You have bald spots at top or front of the head
- Want a less painful and non-invasive treatment
- You want a quick healing procedure
Fortunately, hair transplant has come a long way, and there are actually some options for men with poor donor hair density such as;
Scalp micropigmentation (SMP)
Scalp micro-pigmentation involves using detailed micro-needles that deposit pigments into the scalp. This treatment gives the appearance of tiny hair follicles which look like fuller hair. It creates a close-cropped hair look as well as thickens the remaining hair and receding hairline. This treatment works best for people with thinning hair. It does not require maintenance; only a follow-up checkup. Different from scalp micro-pigmentation, a hair transplant will allow you to customize your treatment with style preferences and hairline designs.
Body Hair Transplantation (BHT)
Hair transplant can sometimes use BHT during the treatments as it is a viable option for men with poor donor hair density. One thing to note is that BHT will not suit everyone. During this procedure, hair is harvested (removed) from the chest and the back for the transplant. Body hair transplants are difficult as graft removal can be challenging because the skin is not as dense as the scalp area.
Hair replacement systems
These are non-surgical hair replacement systems that are made from human hair or synthetic fibers for donor hair density. They are usually attached to a base which is then attached (through gluing) to a bald scalp. The scalp of the recipient is usually shaved clean and then the hair system is attached to it with an adhesive. These hair replacement systems are also known as toupees, wigs, or hairpieces. They are fast becoming popular because the technique is becoming sophisticated as time goes by. This is because the most professionally done always leave one’s head looking completely natural. They are a non-surgical solution, unlike hair transplants, to men who are battling hair loss and have poor donor hair. They come with quite a number of benefits like;
- Being able to exercise while wearing them
- Taking a shower
- Styling the toupee
- Coloring the new hair and a host of other things.
To know if you are a candidate for the hair transplant, or if you have donor hair density or donor area is superior enough to undergo a hair transplant surgery, feel free to get in touch with experts.