Stages of khula Process in Pakistan and Nadra Certificate


Stages of khula Process in Pakistan and Nadra Certificate:

To know and conduct the khula process in Pakistan for Nadra divorce certificate in Pakistan you may contact Jamila Law Associates. For Khula in Pakistan, U need to Follow the process of Khula in Pakistan & Khula process in Pakistan. The Khula Pakistani Law & Khula pakistanq family law is Almost in Favour of Female. Constitutional jurisdiction of the High Court is bound to show that the court-court below or jurisdictional defect in the order impugned or order is illegal or perverse in khula process in Pakistan for Nadra divorce certificate in Pakistan.

Jurisdictional Defect:

It had pointed out no jurisdictional defect in the impugned order passed by the Family Court.”9. Right of cross-examination. The right of cross-examination is a valuable right that it cannot lightly take away. There are no express provisions to close the right of a party to examine, re-examine or cross-examine a witness. Where the right of cross-examination is closed, the Family Court ignores the provisions of S. 12 of W.P. Family Courts Act, 1964, and can recall such order in khula process in Pakistan for Nadra divorce certificate in Pakistan. However, nothing in law bars Court from closing the right of cross-examination even on the first date if no reasonable cause is shown for adjournment.10.

Documentary Evidence:

Right to produce documentary evidence. it would serve the interest of justice if the husband were given a final opportunity to adduce his version as in the impugned order, the husband was afforded the last opportunity to submit a reply to the application for production of documents, and the case was, therefore, on that day, not fixed for production of documents. Courts vested with jurisdiction to ascertain the genuineness and authenticity of any dissolution of marriage to arrive just and fair conclusion on the touchstone and parameters of Art 78 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984 in khula process in Pakistan for Nadra divorce certificate in Pakistan. 

Nadra Divorce Certificate:

Regarding the khula process in Pakistan for Nadra divorce certificate in Pakistan the document has been exhibited evidence without any objection opposite party; the same is deemed proven in all respects. The objection as to the authenticity of a document is to be taken at an earlier stage of khula process in Pakistan for Nadra divorce certificate in Pakistan. After a document is admitted in evidence, an objection against admission cannot be allowed at any subsequent stage.” Evidence of two marginal attesting Witnesses at least is required to prove a document. Statement not challenged in cross-examination. Statement of wife that she was Hair Abad for the last three years specifically challenged in cross-examination would be deemed admitted.

Family Court:

Any declaration given by Family Court on matrimonial matters and ancillary matters are judgments in rem that would bind the whole world. Unless and until decree of a competent Court is set aside by adopting proper legal procedure. it would have an overriding and superimposing legal effect on all other documents, including the so-called Tamale mutation in khula process in Pakistan for Nadra divorce certificate in Pakistan. It legally occupies a very high pedestal as strong legal sanctity is attached to it.

When it decided in the legal proceeding, which emanated from a special statute, against a party duly served, the remedy for the unsuccessful party was to challenge the same under the same statute. If the father was poor or informed at the mother was also poor, the obligation to maintain the children lay on the grandfather, provided he was in easy circumstances when grandfather failed to establish that minors were independent in their financial affairs, minors could not be left remedies in the lifetime of a grandfather having good financial position.