The Stages of Life (Campus vs. Real Life)


I am a college student and pretty much all of my free time is spent on campus. I love spending time on campus, and I feel that it’s a great place to meet new people. Campus life is fun! However, My experience with dating has been different than most people’s. Most guys don’t like talking to women they don’t know, but since all of the students are required to share the same space every day (college), guys actually talk to girls more often than in an office setting or at a bar. It’s very easy for students to find each other and make friends on campus because we all go through classes together and we’re constantly surrounded by thousands of others (students). So when it comes down to dating someone that you actually met while attending school – it never works out long term. The reason for this is because there are very few places where you can hangout with your significant other alone if you’re both college students (and even if you’re not). It seems like everyone around here is always preparing for another test or going back home after being away from their parents’ house for so long…there aren’t many places where two college kids have enough alone time together without feeling awkward or getting judged by others in public. That can be a little bit stressful sometimes! This post is going over how things change once you leave the university environment behind. I like to read the student blog, so I thought this would be a good contribution to the community.

After college, there are so many more options for you and your significant other to do together when it comes to spending time alone. You can go hiking, kayaking, fishing,…whatever you want! There are all kinds of activities that you can do with someone else if they’re someone that doesn’t mind getting outside in nature with you 🙂 If not, then there are plenty of things for two people to do inside somewhere – movies, restaurants…you name it! Let me tell you about something I’ve learned from my dating experience – it’s important to find an activity that will bring the two of you closer together in order for your relationship to survive long term. This is what set’s the foundation for a successful relationship! Spending time alone will help create an emotional bond between two people because they’ll have conversations that mean something deeper than just taking care of each other physically/saying sweet words/etcetera. It might be awkward at first during these times because both people are probably trying way too hard just being themselves instead of following some sort of script or plan before going on the date…but this is normal! As long as both parties know where their boundaries line up with each other and respect them well enough – everything should work out fine! Going on dates often is key in college campuses too. If you want something to work out long term, it’s best to enjoy each other’s company as often as possible before putting all of your eggs in one basket. If things are going well – keep it up! If not, don’t try too hard – just take a break and wait until the next time that you feel like hanging out or spending time with them again. Have fun experimenting with different activities and see what makes your significant other feel the most comfortable around you! The important thing here is to have fun, be yourself, respect their boundaries, and try not to stress too much about things that don’t go according to plan. There are plenty of opportunities for you both if the relationship works out later on down the road.

Thanks for reading this post about campus life vs real life dating! I hope it was helpful information for anyone who is wondering why college relationships don’t last very long once everyone graduates school together. I think that this post will be especially helpful for students who are thinking about dating someone they met while attending school together because there aren’t many good resources online explaining what goes through my head when considering whether or not I should date someone from my college campus or someone else off of campus instead (since we’re already familiar with each other). Don’t forget – we all go through the same thing when looking for love no matter where we live (college campuses included)! Dating isn’t easy by any means.

I’ve never been an expert at dating. I’m just a single person trying to find someone that I can spend my life with. It’s pretty simple, but it’s not always easy! Just remember that you’re not the only one feeling this way – everyone is looking for love too 🙂