Tips To Manage The Holidays After Oral Surgery


If you are waiting for a perfect time to have oral surgery, then don’t wait. Just go after it as it will help treat your ailment in the first place but if your procedure falls around the weekends or holidays, you are bound to easily lose your festival spirit. One of the best Orthodontists in Fort Worth said that your mouth is going to hurt after oral surgery so you will have to watch carefully what you eat. This does not mean you cannot enjoy most of the festive season.

The holidays are a popular time for people to schedule their oral surgeries because they will be completely free and are not burdened with work for a few days. Although it may also comprise your vacation time, you might worry if it will compromise your plans. The Fort Worth Orthodontist says whether you had a tooth extraction, dental implant surgery or another dental procedure, you can still travel, participate in family activities, and indulge in many foods by introducing a few alternatives to it. So, if you are traveling during the holiday season and you want to avoid post problems after oral surgery, here are some simple tooth travel tips by an Orthodontist near me to help you keep your smile intact even during the holidays.

1. Never Leave Home With a Toothache:

If you suspect that you are experiencing any lurking problems or a kind of toothache in your mouth, then it will be easy if you schedule an appointment prior to your travel date so that you do not end up with a tooth emergency while you are out of the town or far from your favorite dentist. This is why the center for oral surgery Fort Worth suggests you to research emergency dental clinics in your visiting city. You can also have emergency numbers noted down to make sure that your time off is as relaxing as possible.

2. Buy a Traveling Gear:

No one would ever regret buying travel-sized gear, especially if they have been through any kind of treatment or surgery prior to their travel. Keeping a partner like a travel toothbrush, floss, and toothpaste on hand in addition to trial sizes of your favorite amenities and it reduces your packing time, not just during the holidays but on other days too. Most people can travel within a few days of their oral surgery but there are conditions when an orthodontist may set travel restrictions for a little longer than usual. You should be fine to travel by car or train rather than by air within a few days of surgery. Although bruising and swelling may not have major side effects and you can manage them using a cold compress.

3. Use Of Probiotics: 

Diseases and germs run down in buses, airports, and other communal places that you are most likely to encounter during your holiday trip. Researchers believe that probiotics are not only good for the intestine system but they also may help maintain optimal oral health too. So, make sure to fill it with some Probiotics to avoid post-surgery problems.

4. Keeping Spare Toothbrush:

Toothbrushes do not last forever and this should be kept in mind although dentists recommend that you buy a new toothbrush every two to three months when you are at home. However, if you are traveling for a trip, then your toothbrush is exposed to even more bacteria and pathogens. So it will be best to exclude it when you return home from the trip and swap it with a fresh brush. This applies even when the toothbrush hasn’t hit the three-month mark yet.

5. Limited Consumption Of Chewing Gums:

Chewing gum is a limitless oral health tip with a lot of benefits by its side. Bringing sugar-free brands of chewing gum with you has multiple benefits such as not only does it taste good and make your breath smell a lot fresher but it also can help remove food that may be stuck in the inner surface of your teeth as well. This is why sometimes these gums are considered a secondary toothbrush.

Bottom Line:

It is also very important to avoid heavy activities after oral surgery. Don’t bend or lift anything that might disturb the area around blood clots and cause bleeding. When you are ready to go to sleep, make use of some extra pillows to keep your head elevated to avoid strain on your tooth. Hence, all of these tips and tricks can help you enjoy your vacations and maintain oral hygiene as well.