Why Does My Child Need Their Baby Teeth Removed?


Children being the youngest ones in every household require all the health and care in their initial stages of life. From their health to overall care, everything needs to be taken care of with responsibility. Amongst the most essential things that need to be taken care of with children comes their oral health. With oral health, we mean to say their set of teeth. Children in their initial stages are prone to tooth cavities and other issues due to their love for sugary foods. So the parents should responsibly take care of their child’s oral health to keep track of their overall health.

This care is crucial to prevent their teeth from getting damaged, be it cavity or tooth decay. Children being children do not responsibly complete the task of brushing or flossing their teeth on a regular basis. So everything makes them all the more prone to tooth problems. When these problems exceed a certain extent, your child might have to undergo an extraction of his damaged tooth or a pair of teeth, depending on the damage. Who would want their child to get his teeth extracted and undergo surgery? So, you being the parent, need to avoid this damage and extraction.

Every surgical procedure here takes place under the supervision of experts and with the required amount of care for your small ones. However, if any parent is unaware of this care and responsibility and somehow their child gets their teeth damaged, they need to carry out this task carefully. For the sake of their child’s safety, they need to get in touch with an expert orthodontist offering services for dentistry for children in Aurora

Now comes the time to brief you with every bit of information you need to know about the extraction of your child’s teeth.

Extraction of Your Child’s Teeth

Your child’s tooth extraction is a pediatric process and includes surgical removal of his primary teeth. This extraction can be a result of severe damage or injury to your child’s teeth. However, there is no need to worry if you’ve chosen the children’s dentist in Aurora. The experts will carry out this surgical procedure with proper care, ensuring the safety of your precious child.

The most common extractions can be considered the baby molars as they are more prone to cavities as they get most of the sugary touch while we eat compared to the front teeth. However, a set of teeth is likely to get damaged in your case due to it being the highest reported case amongst the others. If, in any case, the front teeth get damaged, there is no need to worry as the front teeth are easy to be taken care of and can be removed with simple procedures as compared to the molars. 

To be specific of the conditions, why your child would have to undergo a tooth extraction, you have to go with a brief reading on the below information. 

Conditions of Tooth Extraction

Tooth Decay

An issue or a problem that almost every child experiences in his initial stages of life are the decaying of teeth. There can be endless reasons for the decay of teeth, but the problem is that it would result in getting your child under tooth removal surgery. The cavities are likely to be formed on your child’s molars compared to the front teeth. 

If you neglect the treatment of tooth decay, it can turn into serious health problems in the future and damage the area permanently. 

Trauma or Injury

Trauma or injury lies in the common reasons for the tooth removal surgery for minor children. The primary teeth of your child can be damaged from trauma and injury of any type. Children are prone to falls, accidents, and getting their teeth damaged at any moment. So in this process, if your child’s teeth get crooked, broken, sliced or get detached entirely, he would have to undergo surgery for their removal. If you neglect surgery of any type, you are ultimately giving your child a reason to suffer in the future due to a minor injury in teeth. 

Final Thoughts

Children being children are prone to having all the sugary foods and suffering from accidents and falls. All this can lead to injuries or damage to the teeth, which can result in getting them under the surgical tables of an orthodontist. But you have to keep in mind that this surgery is a severe event, and you need to look out for the best kids dentist in Aurora.

We hope that you have got every bit of information relating to your child’s tooth extraction and the results of neglecting the tooth removal surgery.