Benefits and downsides of technology from expert Dr. Ali Zarzour


Will computers outdo humans? Or do they simply make life easier? Dr. Ali Zarzour introduces a holistic viewpoint

Technology and computers unboundedly benefit daily human life. Data collection and software expert Dr. Ali Zarzour has insights into why this is and what to look for in the future. While there are some downsides, the positive aspects of tech are significant.

Computers help in all types of human scenarios – trivial to severe. For example, we know software can help with something as minuscule as house chores or as valuable as work productivity. At its best, technology can save people with severe medical conditions and assist in full recovery. The opportunities regarding tech and how we utilize it for a better quality of life are limitless.

So, the question is, should we be worried about computers? Will they take over too many jobs? Or will they continue to make life easier? Dr. Zarzour explains that technology is ultimately here to assist people in productivity, creative advancement, and health.

Although some downsides remain, Dr. Zarzour says scientists must continue their work in tech so that people live with less complexity. This enables people to focus on what they love the most without worrying about time or unnecessary labor.

Dr. Ali Zarzour is a world-renowned business founder and manages systems worldwide in health technology. He shares with us today based on his experience in large-scale health data collection and enterprise relationship management software. Read below to learn more about the benefits of tech use, what to stay cautious of, and how to find a healthy balance between technology and life unplugged.

Positive effects of technology use

The amount of positive technological uses seemingly has no limit. The advantages spread across many pain points to increase productivity and improve human life as we know it. Some of the benefits, according to Dr. Zarzour, include higher speeds and frequency of social connection, expansive capacity for data storage, easier task automation and organization, better rates of education access, and improved medical processes that are potentially lifesaving.

In schools, technology helps with increased student engagement and entertainment while learning. There are countless solutions to group quizzes, interactive lectures, student-to-student collaboration, and more. Computer technology in the classroom also creates a bright future for tech industry workers.

At home, technology helps with even the most minimal tasks, such as grocery shopping, water filtration, and turning on and off lights. Even inside the home, the benefits of technology accelerate trivial tasks that humans once needed much more time to complete.

Companies use technology to perform most operations. For example, creative teams use editing software, development teams code to program different functions, and factory teams use machines and computers to produce items and distribute them worldwide.

In Dr. Zarzour’s experience, he uses software to keep track of important medical records and industry information at a large scale for the betterment of healthcare. This is made possible by access to modern technology.

Negative effects of technology overuse

Dr. Zarzour explains there is a broader concern than computers taking over jobs. He explains that the benefits of utilizing technology at work far outweigh the risks of a total takeover. We already experience automated processes like robot-run customer service chats or self-checkouts. As we can see, a workforce is still needed behind these seemingly simple processes.

Humans will remain necessary in coming up with creative solutions, problem-solving for technical issues, and enacting top-tier marketing strategies. These actions may require technology, but the human brain is ultimately unmatched.

Some real concerns regarding technological advancement include a higher risk of addiction, less face-to-face communication, and a negative impact on mental health, Dr. Zarzour warns.

Aside from all the benefits of computers, there are warning signs to watch for. Some of these include emotional changes, anxiety, and social isolation. They also may include physical signs, such as visual problems and insomnia.

In the workplace, a big concern regarding technology overuse is that people may reduce using the mind creatively. Therefore, management at larger companies should encourage employees to always think outside the box and sometimes take a break from the computer so that effective solutions stemming directly from the human mind can be implemented.

Finding a healthy balance

As technology advances, more tools are introduced to help people live a more balanced life. For example, applications have been released that show daily phone use, provide app blocks, and automate messages after working hours.

And that’s the least of it. Access to medical records is at an all-time high in efficiency, the tech industry is booming despite some economic setbacks, and even city development has become easier to navigate with top-tier technological tools.

To find a healthy balance, Dr. Zarzour says, one must speak to those around them about technological preferences. At home, this could be as simple as discussing screen time with a spouse or kids. At work, this could be an employee speaking to their manager on how they work best and what tools they’d like to make the most of their time.

It is important to utilize the benefits of computer technology to advance in the workplace and other areas of daily life. The more people use tech, the more energy and creativity we leave for other efforts like business advancement or personal hobbies.

The number one point to remember is that your brain benefits from a nice balance of high-tech and low-tech activities. As Dr. Zarzour says, it just depends on how one divides their valuable time and resources.